Pneusej FANTOM
Seed drill designed for achieving maximum efficiency. Pneusej Fantom is designed to minimize working operations and to place the seed with maximum precision. Passive soil preparation allows higher working speed and work with large amount of crop residue. Thanks to equal weight distribution on pneumatic roller, the surface of the soil is straightened and equally compacted. One pass perfectly prepares seed bed.

Pneusej VENGA
Seed drill designed to fit the requirements of every farmer. Pneusej Venga is a lightweight machine with completely new design and construction, and thanks to the modular system is manufactured in two versions – mounted and trailed.

DC Compact
The modified seed drill concept has been designed as an inspiration from customers, that demanded a compact mounted seed drill with soil preparation.
Seed drill designed for achieving maximum efficiency. Pneusej Fantom is designed to minimize working operations and to place the seed with maximum precision.
Machine designed for small and medium farms. The placement of the center of gravity near the tractor reduces the power requirement.
MKC / MKC Magna
Seed drill MKC is designed for combination with active of passive soil cultivation machines, primarily for small and medium farms.
Najbližší dealeri
Dolore Magna s.r.o. | Bratislava III | Slovakia |
Veniam s.r.o. | Nitra | Slovakia |
Nitrianska 109
920 12 HlohovecIČO: 00207781
IČ DPH: SK2020394904